Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Three Years Post Shave


It's been three years since I shaved off my hair and the above picture was taken last night. My hair is now armpit length! Shrinkage is amazing! I've experimented with different styles and I have found that braids with extensions help me to retain the most length. My strands are fine and delicate so other styles make my hair break off. 

This picture was taken last week after I washed my hair. I braided the roots and twisted the ends before washing my hair with a liquid shampoo. Next, I applied a homemade liquid conditioner which contained Hydrolyzed Keratin. I sat in a warm bath so the steam could help the conditioner to penetrate my strands. After about 10 minutes, I untwisted each section and applied my homemade creamy Leave In Conditioner to each section. I kept the braided section intact to minimise tangling and knots. After applying the Leave In Conditioner to each section I detangled my hair and rinsed off the conditioner. I allowed my hair to air dry overnight before moisturising and twisting it up.